Harmony Wagner, RAc
Harmony practices Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. In her practice, she makes use of acupuncture & moxibustion, tuina massage, cupping, auricular therapy and Chinese herbs. CranioSacral therapy, traditional Thai massage and qigong/exercise therapy are also incorporated into the treatments, according to the needs of the individual. In many cases, it is not necessary to be punctured with needles at all.
Harmony’s studies began in 1996 with a formal apprenticeship in Traditional Chinese Medicine with Vincent Black L.Ac. This three-year program emphasized clinical experience, as well as structured practice of qigong and Chinese internal martial arts (Tai chi chuan, Ba gua zhang & Hsing-i chuan). In 2001, she received full registration through the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia (http://www.ctcma.bc.ca).
To augment this education, Harmony traveled to various hospitals in Beijing, studying acupuncture, tuina massage and Chinese herbs through the China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Centre. Likewise, in 2002, she went to Thailand for intensive training in traditional Thai massage at the Wat Po Medical Massage School in Bangkok and ITM in Chiangmai. She is a certified instructor of the northern style of Traditional Thai massage through ITM.
Harmony is also a certified instructor of Chinese internal martial arts through the North American Tang Shou Tao Association (NATSTA) and is the chairperson of the NATSTA TCM committee. She teaches ongoing martial arts and qigong classes in Charlottetown.
Contact Information:
294 Allen Street, Charlottetown, PE C1A 2V9
Tel: 902-628-3408 / Email: Harmony Wagner